1. Кереш сүз
Air classifier is a device that separates particles of different sizes through air flow field. It is widely used in biopharmaceuticals, food processing, fine chemicals and solid waste recycling, and it is vital in controlling the quality of powders. In pharmaceutical industry, air classifier plays an important role, since it can precisely separate and classify particles of raw material.
2. The role of air classifier in pharmaceutical industry
2.1. Improve drug bioavailability
Air classifier can crush drugs to micron or even nanometer levels, this is beneficial to the dissolution and absorption of drugs, thereby improving the bioavailability of drugs.
2.2. Maintain drug quality and activity
Because air classifier utilizes aerodynamic principles and crushes material at low temperatures, it can maintain medicinal properties and active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine. This is beneficial to maintain the quality and effectiveness of the medicine.
2.3. Reduce pollution
The entire process is carried out in a closed system. This can effectively reduce the contamination of drugs during production, and maintain the hygiene and purity of the drugs. It is particularly important in strictly regulated pharmaceutical industry.
2.4. Automatic control
The operation process is controlled automatically. It can realize unmanned operation, save labor costs, improve production efficiency, and ensure the accuracy and safety during production.
3. Conclusion
In a word, air classifier plays an important role in pharmaceutical industry, and it is an indispensable link of pharmaceutical process.
Daиндао Эпик Порошок Машиналары ООО а җитештерүче порошок эшкәртү җиһазлары җитештерүдә махсуслашкан. Air classifier is one of our products, including four series: HTS, ITC, MBS and CTC.
Безнең төп продуктлар:
– Миллс: шар тегермәне, һава классификатор комбинаты (ACM), ролик тегермәне, реактив тегермән, турбо тегермәне һәм тәэсир тегермәне һ.б.
– Классификаторлар: һава классификаторларының дүрт сериясен кертегез: ХТС, ITC, MBS һәм CTC.
– Faceир өсте каплагычлары: тегермән үзгәртүчесе, турбо тегермәне модификаторы һәм өч роликлы тегермән модификаторы, һ.б.
– Ярдәмче җиһаз: контроль кабинет, тузан җыючы һәм чиләк лифт һ.б.
- Клиентлар продуктларны реаль ихтыяҗлар буенча көйли алалар. Бер клиент, бер дизайн.
If you are interested in һава классификаторы or other products from Daиндао эпосы, безнең хезмәткәрләргә мөрәҗәгать итегез турыдан-туры, без һәрвакыт сезнең хезмәттә.