1. Brief introduction
Silica powder is made from pure quartz (natural quartz or fused quartz). It is obtained through multiple procedures, including: crushing, sorting, cleaning, acid treatment, high-temperature melting, grinding, classifying and iron removal. According to the shape, silica powder can be divided into spherical silica powder and angular silica powder, etc. Among them, spherical silica powder has advantages of low oil absorption, low mixed viscosity and low friction coefficient, so it plays an very important role in manufacturing industry.
2. Market applications
Electronics Industry
Spherical silica powder can be used as packaging material for electronic components, because it has excellent high-temperature stability and good dielectric property under high-frequency electric field.
Construction Industry
Spherical silica powder can act as additive for silicate cement, it can improve the strength, crack resistance and durability of cement, to extend the service life of concrete.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Spherical silica powder can be used as drug carrier to effectively protect drugs. It can prolong release time of drugs, and reduce side effects of drugs. Meanwhile, it plays a certain role in cancer treatment.
Chemical Industry
Spherical silica powder can play the role of filler during production of polymers. It can increase hardness, improve fluidity and adjust color of polymers.
Food industry
Spherical silica powder can also be used as thickener, stabilizer and flavoring agent of food. It can not only provide good chewing taste, but also extend service life of the food.
3. Application prospect
As the market continues to expand, spherical silica powder will show the trend of diversification, high-end, green and internationalization. Enterprises should seize the opportunity, to actively explore this market.
In actual application, spherical silica powder needs to be crushed and classified. The preparation process of spherical silica powder usually includes grinding, classifying and purifying etc. The ball mill and air classifier fromәр сүзнең Daиндао эпосы Powder Machinery Co., Ltd are suitable for deep-processing of spherical silica powder, with good performance.
Daиндао Эпик Порошок Машиналар ООО. порошок эшкәртү җиһазлары җитештерүдә махсуслашкан җитештерүче.
Аның продуктлары:
- Тегермән: шар тегермәне, ролик тегермәне, реактив тегермән, һава классификатор комбинаты, тибрәнү комбинаты һәм тәэсир тегермәне һ.б.
- Классификатор: дүрт һава классификаторы: ХТС, ITC, MBS and CTC.
- Модификатор: тегермән үзгәртүчесе, турбо тегермәне модификаторы һәм өч роликлы модификатор һ.б.
- Ярдәмче җиһазлар: контроль кабинет, тузан җыючы һәм чиләк лифт һ.б.
– Customers can also customize equipment according to their needs, one customer one design.
If you are interested in ball mill and air classifier or other products from Daиндао эпосы, зинһар персонал белән элемтәгә керергә турыдан-туры, алар һәрвакыт сезнең хезмәттә.
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