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The Main Application of Nano Calcium Carbonate

1. Введение

Nano calcium carbonate is a functional inorganic filler. It is in powder form, with hexagonal crystal structure, and the color is white or light yellow. Nano calcium carbonate is insoluble in water or ethanol, but soluble in acid. Its molecular formula is CaCO3. Nano calcium carbonate has a wide range of applications, the main application of nano calcium carbonate mainly includes the following aspects:

2. Main application

● Plastic industry

In plastic industry, nano calcium carbonate is widely used in PVC profiles, pipes, PVC films (calendered films) and engineering plastic modification (eg: PP, PE, PA, PC), etc. Especially in the fields of degradable agricultural films, nano-modified automotive plastic parts and special resins, the application prospects of nano calcium carbonate are broad.

● Rubber industry

Nano calcium carbonate can partially replace carbon black and white carbon black in tire production, especially in areas with less stress. Nano calcium carbonate together with active zinc oxide can significantly improve the strength of tire tread rubber. Meanwhile, nano calcium carbonate also have application in the production of hoses and tapes, as well as wires and cables.

● Coatings industry

With functions of high filling performance, excellent whitening effect and improving coating durability, nano calcium carbonate is widely used in interior and exterior wall paints and wood coatings. At the same time, it also has application in some special fields, such as: anti-corrosion coatings, protective coatings and special industrial coatings.

● Paper-making industry

Paper-making industry is the market with the greatest development potential for nano calcium carbonate. It is widely used in cigarette paper, recording paper, booklet printing paper, and high-whiteness coated paper. In paper-making process, addition of appropriate amount of nano calcium carbonate can improve the bulk density, surface fineness and smoothness, and durability of the paper.

3. Application prospect

The application prospects of nano calcium carbonate are very broad, covering many important fields. With the continuous advancement of nanotechnology, the production process and performance of nano calcium carbonate will be further optimized, and the scope of application will be further expanded.

In actual application, by improving the production process, such as: through grinding and classifying, nano calcium carbonate with smaller particle size and more uniform distribution can be obtained.  This can improve the effect and stability of nano calcium carbonate in various applications. Циндаоская компания по производству порошкового оборудования Epic Powder Machinery Co., Ltd. это производитель специализируется на производстве оборудования для переработки порошков. Ball mill and air classifier from our company are suitable for grinding and grading of nano calcium, with excellent performance and high reputation.

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