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Эффекты антиокрашивания и фиксации цвета бентонита при печати и крашении

1. Introduction of bentonite

Бентонит — неметаллический минерал с монтмориллонит as the main component. Bentonite reserves of China rank first in the world, and it is known as “universal clay” for its diverse properties. The properties include: non-toxicity, no chemical pollution, strong adsorption, hygroscopicity, expansion and lubricity, etc. In textile printing and dyeing industry, with unique physical and chemical properties, bentonite has shown significant advantages in anti-dyeing and color fixing.

2. Effects of anti-dyeing and color fixing of bentonite

● Effect of anti-dyeing

In terms of anti-dyeing performance, bentonite, with excellent adsorption property, can effectively adsorb and fix dye molecules. This can prevent the dye from diffusing to non-target areas during printing and dyeing process, thereby achieving precise pattern printing and color control. Especially in multi-color printing and dyeing process, bentonite can ensure clear boundaries between colors, avoid mutual penetration of colors, and improve color purity and clarity of printed products.

● Effect of color-fixing

Bentonite also plays an important role in color-fixing performance. Due to its layered structure and ion exchange property, bentonite can form a stable bond with dye molecules, and then enhance the adhesion and durability of dyes on fibers. This not only improves the color fastness of printed and dyed products, making them less likely to fade during daily use and washing, but also improves the softness, improving the overall quality of the products.

In addition to anti-dyeing and color-fixing effects, bentonite also has good dispersibility and rheological properties, and it can form a uniform coating or slurry during printing and dyeing process, improving the coverage and uniformity of products.

3. Application prospects of bentonite in printing and dyeing industry

With the improvement of environmental awareness and the advancement of printing and dyeing technology, the application of bentonite in printing and dyeing industry will be further expanded. The application prospects of bentonite in printing and dyeing industry will become increasingly broad.

Before being used in printing and dyeing, bentonite needs to be purified, crushed and graded to improve its dispersibility and stability. After deep processing, bentonite has higher montmorillonite content, fewer impurities, finer particle size and more stable chemical properties. All these are helpful for bentonite to play a better role in textile printing and dyeing industry.

Циндао Эпик Порох Машинери Ко., Лтд. это производитель specializing in the production of powder machinery. Ball mill and air classifier produced by our company are suitable for grinding and grading bentonite. They can be used individually or in combination as a production line, with excellent performance, stable quality and high reputation.

Наша основная продукция включает в себя:

   – Миллс: шаровая мельница, roller mill, air classifier mill(ACM), jet mill and turbo mill etc.

   – Классификаторы: включают четыре серии воздушных классификаторов: ХТС, МТК, МБС и СТС.

   – Покрытие поверхности модоранты: модификатор штифтовой мельницы, турбомельничный модификатор и трехроторный мельница-модификатор и т.д.

   – Вспомогательное оборудование: шкаф управления, пылеуловитель и ковшовый элеватор и т.д.

   – Клиенты могут настраивать продукцию в соответствии с реальными потребностями. Один клиент, один дизайн.

If you are interested in ball mill and air classifier or other products from Циндао Эпик, свяжитесь с нашими сотрудниками напрямую, мы всегда к вашим услугам.


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