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Klasifikasi Udara ITC untuk Mengklasifikasikan Kaolin

1. Pendahuluan

Kaolin is a common and important clay mineral in nature. It is formed by weathering of feldspar or other silicate minerals in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Kaolin is also called dolomite, due to its white and fine appearance. With ITC air classifier for classifying kaolin, there are many benefits. Next, let’s have a brief analysis about it.

2. Benefits of kaolin classification

The classification of kaolin is crucial to its application. The main purpose is to improve the purity and quality of kaolin, to meet the needs of different applications. 

2.1. Improve purity

Classification of kaolin can effectively remove impurities, such as feldspar and quartz, thereby improving the purity of kaolin.

2.2. ‌Optimize performance

Classification can adjust particle size distribution of kaolin, and then further optimize its physical and chemical properties, making it more suitable for specific applications.

3. Advantages of ITC series air classifier

 – High grading accuracy and more reasonable configuration.

– High output, low energy consumption, and accurate vertex cutting.

– It can be used in multi-stage series to produce products with multiple particle sizes at the same time.

– The speed of classifying wheel can be adjusted to obtain powders with different fineness.

– The inner wall of the chamber is covered with alumina for wear-resistant protection, which effectively prevents equipment wear.

– The system operates under negative pressure and dust emissions comply with environmental standards.

4. Application of kaolin after classification by ITC air classifier

‌Ceramic industry‌: kaolin classification can significantly improve the quality and performance of ceramic products, and enhance the density and aesthetics of ceramic products.

Paper-making industry: ITC air classifier can classify kaolin into particles of specific sizes, making it more evenly distributed in paper, and then improve physical and optical properties of paper.

Qingdao Epic Powder Machinery Co., Ltd. adalah pabrikan mengkhususkan diri dalam produksi peralatan pengolahan bubuk. ITC series air classifier is one of our four series of classifiers. It is designed by our engineers and optimized by our German consultant. It has reliable quality, excellent performance and is widely praised.

Produk utama kami meliputi:

   – Pabrik: penggiling bola, mesin pengklasifikasi udara (ACM), pabrik rol, jet mill, turbo mill, dan impact mill, dll.

   – Klasifikasi:termasuk empat seri pengklasifikasi udara: HTS, ITC, CTC and MBS.                                                                                                                                                              

   – Pelapisan permukaan mzat penyedap: pengubah pin-mill, pengubah turbo-mill dan pengubah tiga-rotor-pabrik, dll.

   – Peralatan bantu: lemari kontrol, pengumpul debu dan lift ember, dll.

   – Pelanggan dapat menyesuaikan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan aktual. Satu pelanggan, satu desain.

If you are interested in ITC air classifier or other products from Epik Qingdao, hubungi staf kami secara langsung, kami selalu siap melayani Anda.

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