1 परिचय
Dolomite is a carbonate mineral with chemical formula: CaMg(CO3)2. Its crystal structure is like calcite, often in the form of rhombohedron. Pure dolomite is white, but due to the presence of other elements and impurities, it sometimes appears gray-green, gray-yellow, pink, etc, and it has glassy luster. After being selected, crushed, and ground to 325-1250 mesh, dolomite becomes dolomite powder.
2. Main applications
Dolomite powder has important applications in many industries. Next, we will briefly introduce the application of dolomite powder in refractory materials, chemicals, building materials and agriculture.
⑴ Application in refractory material
Dolomite powder is the second largest alkaline refractory raw material after magnesite. It is mainly used to produce magnesium-calcium refractory materials, with an annual consumption of more than 2 million tons. Dolomite powder contains a large amount of microcrystalline quartz crystals and calcium-magnesium carbonate. These minerals have high hardness, so they can significantly improve the hardness and strength of refractory materials.
⑵ Application in building material
Due to the reason that dolomite powder has high hardness and wear resistance, it can significantly improve product strength and durability when adding to building material. For example, adding dolomite powder to gypsum board and block can make building structures more stable and safer. Additionally, dolomite powder can also be used as ceramic glaze to improve the strength and hardness of ceramic products.
⑶ Application in agriculture
Dolomite powder is rich in magnesium and calcium, which are essential for plant growth. They 000 can regulate PH value and increase calcium and magnesium in the soil, and then improve soil fertility。Generally speaking, soil with added dolomite powder can increase crop yields by 15%-40%.
3. Summary
Dolomite powder has high development and use value. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, the application prospects of dolomite powder will be broader. We should fully realize the value of dolomite powder, and strengthen the development and utilization of it.
In practical applications, रोलर मिल is suitable for grinding dolomite powder due to its performance advantages. क़िंगदाओ महाकाव्य पाउडर मशीनरी कं, लिमिटेड पाउडर प्रसंस्करण उपकरण के उत्पादन में विशेषज्ञता निर्माता है। हमारे मुख्य उत्पादों में शामिल हैं: mills, वायु वर्गीकरणकर्ता, modifiers and related auxiliary equipment. Among them, Roller mill is one of our products.
Roller mill produced by Qingdao Epic has the following performance advantages:
– High fineness: product fineness can be stabilized at 325-2500 mesh.
– High production efficiency and low energy consumption: compared with impact mill, jet mill etc, roller mill has higher production efficiency and lower energy consumption when producing products of the same fineness.
– Easy installation: the equipment is easy to install and does not require large-scale civil engineering.
– High dust collection rate: dust removal efficiency is up to 99.9%. No dust pollution during production process.
If you are interested in roller mill or other products from क़िंगदाओ महाकाव्य, कृपया हमारे स्टाफ से संपर्क करें सीधे, हम हमेशा आपकी सेवा में हैं।