उपभोक्ता हॉटलाइन

सक्रिय कार्बन का पाउडर प्रसंस्करण


Activated carbon is a specially treated carbon. Through heating organic raw material (coal and wood, etc) in an air-tight environment can reduce non-carbon components. This process is called carbonization. And then react heated organic raw material with gas to produce product with a  well-developed microporous structure. This process is called activation.   

In recent years, activated carbon has received widespread attention in powder processing industry. Through grinding, the surface energy and specific surface area of particles increase, and more pore structures and surface active sites are generated, this can enhance the adsorption performance of activated carbon, which enables it to play a better role in water purification, sewage treatment, air purification, car deodorization, etc.

Powder processing of activated carbon

First step: crushing

Use a crusher to grind raw activated carbon into qualified particle sizes that meet the feeding requirement.

Second step: purification

Select high- quality activated carbon particles as raw material, and then remove impurities through screening and washing to ensure the purity of raw material.

Third step: grinding

Put purified activated carbon particles in a mill, and grind them into fine powders by mechanical force. This process can increase the surface energy and specific surface area of activated carbon particles, thereby improving their adsorption performance.

Forth step: classification

The ground activated carbon powders are separated by a classifier. This process can obtain powders with required fineness, and then ensure the consistency of product specifications.

Fifth step: packaging and storage

Finally, the processed activated carbon powders are packaged and stored for future use.


Through above steps, we can obtain activated carbon powders that meet specific particle size requirements, this is helpful for activated carbon powders to play a better role in more fields.

Roller mill produced by क़िंगदाओ एपिक पाउडर मशीनरी कं, लिमिटेड is very suitable for grinding activated carbon, with high efficiency and low energy consumption.

क़िंगदाओ एपिक पाउडर मशीनरी कं, लिमिटेड एक है उत्पादक specializing in the production of powder machinery.

हमारे मुख्य उत्पादों में शामिल हैं:

   – मिल्स: रोलर मिलबॉल मिल, एयर क्लासिफायर मिल (एसीएम), जेट मिल और टर्बो मिल आदि।

   – वायु वर्गीकरणकर्ता: चार श्रृंखलाएं शामिल हैं: एचटीएस, आईटीसी, एमबीएस और सीटीसी.

   – सतह कोटिंग mगंधक: पिन-मिल संशोधक, टर्बो-मिल संशोधक और तीन-रोटर-मिल संशोधक, आदि।

   – सहायक उपकरण: नियंत्रण कैबिनेट, धूल संग्रहित करने वाला और suction fan, वगैरह।

   - ग्राहक अपनी वास्तविक ज़रूरतों के हिसाब से उत्पादों को अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं। एक ग्राहक, एक डिज़ाइन।

If you have relevant demands for roller mill or other products from Qingdao Epic, हमारे स्टाफ से संपर्क करें सीधे, हम हमेशा आपकी सेवा में हैं।

Below are roller mill from क़िंगदाओ महाकाव्य आपके संदर्भ के लिए।


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