Plusieurs différences entre la chaux vive et la chaux éteinte
11 février 2025
In daily life, many people have heard of quicklime and slaked lime, but they don’t know much about the difference between the two. In fact, quicklime ...
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Types et utilisations du coke de pétrole
10 février 2025
1. Introduction Petroleum coke is a black solid coke. It is made from heavy oil after being cracked and coked at a high temperature of 500-550℃. ...
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Quelles sont les différentes manières d’utiliser la poudre de gangue de charbon ?
8 février 2025
Coal gangue is one kind of solid waste discharged during coal mining and washing. It is a black-gray rock with low carbon content that accompanies ...
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Application et stockage du dioxyde de titane
6 février 2025
Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) is a common inorganic chemical substance, the main component of which is titanium dioxide. As a high-quality white pigment, titanium dioxide has ...
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Brève analyse des domaines d'application du broyeur ACM et du broyeur à boulets
Air classifier mill(ACM) and ball mill are both equipment used for material grinding. They both have a wide range of applications, but in different fields. Next, let’s ...
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Principales applications de la poudre de dolomite
1. Introduction Dolomite is a carbonate mineral with chemical formula: CaMg(CO3)2. Its crystal structure is like calcite, often in the form of rhombohedron. Pure dolomite ...
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