1. Introduction of roller mill
Roller mill is a kind of grinding equipment, that widely used in various non-metallic minerals. It can produce powders with particle size range from coarse to ultra-fine. Roller mill equips with multiple layers of rollers and rings, and it utilizes the effects of impact, extrusion and gravity to grind material.
There are many features of roller mill that make it a widely used grinding mill.
2. The features of roller mill
● The multi-layer rolling design of roller mill makes it particularly suitable for processing various non-metallic minerals, with Mohs hardness below 6 and humidity within 7%.
● It can achieve product fineness within 325-2500 mesh, from coarse powder to ultra-fine powder, and the finest finished product can reach D97≤5μm.
● When producing products of the same fineness, roller mill has higher production efficiency, lower energy consumption and lower production cost compared with other mills.
● Under the condition of the same production capacity, roller mill requires less capital investment and shorter payback period compared with other mills.
● The equipment is easy to install. It needs neither multi-layer steel structure platform or concrete platform, nor large-scale civil engineering. Once the equipment is installed, it can be put into production.
● The grinding roller and grinding ring of roller mill are made of high hardness wear-resistant materials. This can ensure uninterrupted and reliable operation of the equipment.
● The entire equipment operates under negative pressure, and the dust collection rate is as high as 99.9%, these two factors ensure a pollution-free production process.
3. Resumen
With advantages mentioned above, roller mill has a wide range of application. For example, non-metallic minerals, with Mohs hardness below 6 and humidity within 7%, eg: talc and calcite, can all be ground with roller mill.
Qingdao Epic Powder Machinery Co., Ltd es un fabricante Especializada en la producción de maquinaria para polvos.
Nuestros productos principales incluyen:
– Molinos: molino de rodillos, Molino de bolas, air classifier mill(ACM), jet mill, turbo mill and impact mill, etc.
– Clasificadores:incluye cuatro series de clasificadores de aire: HTS, CCI, MBS y CTC.
– Recubrimiento de superficie modificadores: modificador de molino de pasadores, modificador de turbo-molino y modificador de molino de tres rodillos, etc.
– Equipo auxiliar: armario de control, colector de polvo y elevador de cangilones, etc.
– Los clientes pueden personalizar los productos según sus necesidades reales. Un cliente, un diseño.
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