الخط الساخن للمستهلك

بودرة التلك - مادة لا غنى عنها في صناعة البناء

1. المقدمة

Talcum powder is a mineral powder made of talc. It is white or off-white fine powder, odorless and tasteless. The main component of talcum powder is hydrated magnesium silicate. It has many excellent physical and chemical properties, these properties include: lubricity, fire resistance, acid resistance, insulation, anti-stickiness,  high melting point, good hiding power and strong adsorption, etc. Due to these properties, talcum powder is widely used in many fields. One important application is talcum powder in construction industry.

In construction field, talcum powder has a wide range of application. The unique physical and chemical properties make talcum powder one of the indispensable materials in construction field.

2. Specific applications in construction industry

High-performance building material

Talcum powder can be made into various high-performance building materials, such as thermal insulation material, fireproof material, repair material and wall decoration material. These materials play an important role in construction projects.

Talcum powder also has application in artificial رخام and gypsum board. These materials are not only beautiful, but also have good physical properties and durability, they are widely used in interior decoration and architectural decoration. 

Coating field

When used in coating field, talcum powder can enhance coating performance. Talcum powder has properties of small particle size, large specific surface area, and good chemical stability. These properties make it widely used in coating field. It can enhance the durability, lubricity and water resistance of coatings, and then  improve the overall quality of coatings.

Besides above application, talcum powder also has application in advanced coatings and coating materials, which can meet the demand for high-quality coatings in construction field.

Concrete material

When used in concrete, talcum powder can be used as admixture to increase the density and strength of concrete. The addition of talcum powder can reduce the heat of hydration of concrete, reduce the risk of concrete cracking, and improve the durability and service life of concrete.

Pipes and pipelines

Due to excellent heat resistance and chemical resistance, talcum powder can be used to make high temperature resistant and corrosion resistant pipes, such as: industrial pipes in fertilizer plants and petrochemical plants. In addition, talcum powder can be used to make floor heating pipes, air conditioning pipes, water supply and drainage pipes.

3. الملخص

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of market demand, the application of talcum powder in construction field will be further expanded. Talcum powder would be an indispendible material in many fileds.

In practical applications, fineness of talcum powder is vital for its application. For example, talcum powder with particle size larger than 25mm is suitable for building materials, when particle size between 10-25mm, it can be used in manufacturing refractory material. So, Grinding and screening of talcum powder is necessary to expand its application area.

The ball mill تم إنتاجه بواسطة شركة تشينغداو إبيك لآلات المساحيق المحدودة is suitable for grinding various non-metallic minerals. It is with high efficiency and low energy consumption. And the air classifier from Qingdao Epic performs well in classifying powders, it can grade powders with different fineness.

شركة تشينغداو إبيك لآلات المساحيق المحدودة. هي شركة مصنعة متخصصة في إنتاج معدات معالجة المساحيق.

وتشمل منتجاتها:

مطحنة: مطحنة الكرات, مطحنة الأسطوانة، مطحنة نفاثة، مطحنة تصنيف الهواء، مطحنة اهتزازية ومطحنة تأثيرية وما إلى ذلك.

مصنف:أربع سلاسل من مصنفات الهواء: هيئة تحرير الشام, مركز التجارة الدولية، MBS وCTC.

معدِّل: معدل مطحنة الدبوس, معدل طاحونة التوربو و معدل ثلاثي الأسطوانات إلخ.

المعدات المساعدة: control cabinet, dust collector and مصعد دلو إلخ.

Customers can also customize equipment according to their needs, one customer one design.

إذا كنت مهتمًا بمطحنة الكرات ومصنف الهواء أو المنتجات الأخرى من ملحمة تشينغداو، لو سمحت الاتصال بالموظفين مباشرة، فهم في خدمتكم دائمًا.  

فيما يلي صور من Qingdao Epic للرجوع إليها.


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